Long After the Ending (COMPLETE) (WEBTOON)Chapter 60
Comedy Romance Webtoons

Elena Taylor, the former villainess of a romance story, has decided to walk away from the main story and open a Romance Counselling business. As an independent woman trying to find her footing in society with her fledgling venture, she is given the hardest request she’s ever encountered: help the sub-lead of the main plot, Hugh Godwin, debut in High-Society and get married, or get kicked out of the building she lives and works out of! Elena soon realizes that she’s in trouble when she meets Hugh, a burly, muscular bear of a knight who’s been burned by love. Will Elena be able to convince Hugh to find romance and keep her business running?

It’s Been A While Since the Original Novel was Completed [official]Chapter 0
Comedy Romance Webtoons

Elena Taylor, the former villainess of a romance story, has decided to walk away from the main story and open a Romance Counselling business. As an independent woman trying to find her footing in society with her fledgling venture, she is given the hardest request she’s ever encountered: help the sub-lead of the main plot, Hugh Godwin, debut in High-Society and get married, or get kicked out of the building she lives and works out of! Elena soon realizes that she’s in trouble when she meets Hugh, a burly, muscular bear of a knight who’s been burned by love. Will Elena be able to convince Hugh to find romance and keep her business running?