Yagate Kimi ni NaruChapter 30
Drama Romance

Koito Yuu who recently became a high school student was asked to help the student council, where she meets its seemingly flawless president Nanami Touko.However, Touko is more fragile than she looks and ends up falling in love with Yuu, but the latter seems unable to reciprocate. Yet, she doesn't reject Touko's feelings and develops a strange relationship with her...

Bloom Into You Anthology (Official)Chapter 13
Drama Romance Yuri

This is the official translation. Do not upload fan translations here.

Farewell to My Alter (Official)Chapter 9.5
Drama Romance Yuri

Nio Nakatani, known for her delicate and heartwarming portrayal of girls’ love, presents a marvelous collection of short stories that span her whole career. With works including her striking debut title Farewell to My Alter, enthralling tales from the Éclair anthologies, and a hauntingly captivating piece penned exclusively for this volume, Nakatani explores the deeper nuances of loss, identity, and matters of the heart.

God Bless the Mistaken (Official)Chapter 10
Comedy Shounen

Kon lives in a world that bugs out regularly—every morning may bring a new surprise. But with Kasane, a researcher who studies this phenomena, he knows that each day will at least be interesting! Read the first chapter of God Bless the Mistaken the same day as Japan!

Fate/stay night Realta Nua Last EpisodeChapter 0

Adaptation of " Realta Nua Last Episode" For the 15 years of fate.

Sayonara Skurappu (Chaldea Ace)Chapter 0

Sayonara Scrap oneshot manga from Fate/Grand Order Chaldea Ace volume 1