Twilight HourChapter 1

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Please Look After the DragonChapter 0
Comedy Shounen

One day, a college student named Murakami encounters a dragon named Ilsela who came from another world. Ilsela, who aims to be an 'Ichiryumae,' seems to want someone to 'adopt' them while they train in the human world?" Eating, sleeping, and playing with a dragon. A relaxed fantasy in a six-tatami room!

X'Mas HeartChapter 0
Drama Shounen ai

Naoki has a dark past and keeps to his friendship with Ryousuke. But when Ryousuke confesses to him everything changes, as Naoki tries to distance himself from Ryousuke. However Ryousuke doesn't let up easily...

Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's Portable - The Gears of Destiny - Material Musume.Chapter 7

In the Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's Portable - The Gears of Destiny - Material Musume. series:V.1 - Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's Portable - The Gears of Destiny - Material Musume.V.2 - Dash

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