WEE!!!Chapter 126
Comedy Romance Webtoons


WEE!!! { English Version }Chapter 94
Comedy Drama Romance Webtoons

When you miss school and meeting your friends, you can follow along on Amu's daily school life! Together along with her friends that does weird and stupid things, they together go through high school filled with happiness, sadness, and love!

WEE!!! (eng ver)Chapter 42
Comedy Romance Webtoons

When you miss school and meeting friends, follow along on Amu's daily school life! Together along with her friends that does weird and stupid things, they together go through high school filled with likes, sorrow, feelings and love!

WEE!!! (english version) please don't repost!!Chapter 76

when you miss school and meet friends again, there's amu whose daily life at school you can follow! together with friends who behave strangely and stupidly, they will go through high school which is full of joys, and sorrows, dreams, and love!!