I need someone to debate.

Created By  send help on Sun Mar 10 2024 10:01:45 GMT +0000 (GMT+0000)



Basically I'm introducing the thing, I'm a gay boy and I do indeed tend to read boyslove sometimes. You see, I may be a bit sensitive on the subject, but I've been in the community for 5 years and I've seen a lot, obviously there are a lot of girls who mainly read bl, which wasn't a problem for me in the first place, but I'm sick of it. I don't know if you can say it's that much of an opening to debate, I'd say it's mostly a general rant, I may offend some but when I read anything, a shounen ai for example, I constantly see comments making absolutely everything about sex. I don't need to explain, but a shounen contains no sex scenes and is more censored than a yaoi. Let's just talk about the term yaoi, I hate it, it's a category that was created for the sole purpose of fetechizing us (gay men). And the worst thing is that it works, I've maybe never seen a girl who read yaoi without making queer men their biggest fantasy, some bring everything back to sex and I'm sick of it. I feel like an object when I see some of them. Please for the love of God think before you comment on certain things it disgusts me.

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