Harpy (YAMAGISHI Ryouko)Chapter 4
Comedy Drama Horror Supernatural

Harumi Sawa is an ordinary high school student finds himself at odds with Ayako Kawahori, a girl who has recently transferred into his school. Not only does he become drawn to her bizarre stench, he also begins to pay close attention to her seemingly odd behavior. After being reminded of harpies - the half-woman, half-bird beasts of Greek mythology - during a lesson in class, Sawa begins to think Kawahori might actually be one of those mythological beasts herself. [*Further reading on the title one-shot*](https://yamagishi-ryoko.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/01/25/001908) Also contains: - **A Visitor in the Rain** (?????, Ame no Houmonsha) - **Undine** (??????) - **Strawberry Night Night** (??????????????) Read Harpy (YAMAGISHI Ryouko) on manhuascan

Hi Izuru Tokoro No TenshiChapter 14
Action Drama Romance Shounen ai

This is one of the most well-known titles by Yamagishi Ryouko. It shocked the public immensely when first published, because the story depicted how the legendary regent of Japan, Prince Shoutoku - who also supported the spread of the new religion; Buddhism - fell in love with a man, suffering because of it, and acting on his unrequited love. This is no ordinary shounen-ai manga, but its homoerotic theme is the biggest motivating force behind this convoluted story with complicated language and plot-line. 'Hi Izuru Tokoro no Tenshi' is regarded as a masterpiece in the manga world.Hi Izuru Tokoro no Tenshi won the 1983 Kodansha Manga Award for sh?jo.