Bride of ElysionChapter 40
Drama Romance Smut

Ina Yoo, an average girl from earth gets summoned to a fantasy world called Elysion where only males with magical powers exist. Elysion summons females from other worlds and the men of Elysion treat the women to be selected as their husbands and mating partners. When the men of Elysion mate with the women, mana from the men are passed on to the women and depending on the mana capacity of the person, the women can use this mana as their own power. Ina is courted by many men of the top hierarchy of Elysion population and her choice in husband affects her political powers in Elysion as well as magical powers. Ina is naturally able to receive much mana from the men, which is a great point of attraction for men, especially in positions of social power and influence. As Ina rises in social political status with her increasing magical powers, a rival, Roxanne, appears and tries to overthrow Ina's influence in Elysion by creating riots. Ina now has to calm the riots but can she do so through her husbands and boyfriends...?

Obsidian BrideChapter 48
Romance Webtoons

In my humble life I could never dream of love. Then one night, tired of my unhappy marriage, I decided to die. A special invitation came to me. "You shine like a jewel. Beings who shine like jewels just like you live together. Would you like to join the treasure box? YES or NO?" A fancy party where only the most special people can attend. <The Imperial Jewelry box> a place where you meet a marriage partner by a "blind love" as everyone has their face and identities concealed. "Since I was given an opportunity to become a shiny jewel like the chosen ones......" That night, the choice I made changed everything.

Bride of Obsidian (PA Version)Chapter 6
Drama Romance Webtoons

A miserable life where even dreams of love were out of reach. The night I tried to end my life from the exhaustion of my joyless marriage, a special invitation arrived unexpectedly. [ You are an existence that gleams like the jewels. The Jewel Box, where existences who shine like you gather... Would you like to enter the Jewel Box? YES? or NO? ] [ The Empire's Jewel Box ] is a luxurious party attended by only the most outstanding people. A place where they can meet a marriage partner solely based on "true love" while concealing their face and status. "If you were granted the opportunity to become a shining Jewel, like those who were specially selected..." My choice from that night changed everything.