Kidou Senshi Gundam 00IChapter 14.5

Mobile Suit Gundam 00I ("I" for Innovades) is the manga sequel and replacement for Mobile Suit Gundam 00F. It was also written by Tomohiro Chiba and illustrated by K?ichi Tokita. The story runs concurrent with Season 2 of Mobile Suit Gundam 00 and tells the story of a young man, named Leif Recitativo, who was ordered by Veda to gather a group of living bio-terminals called Innovades. Members of Celestial Being's shadow group Fereshte (which is now disbanded and rejoined the main organization) reappear as a supporting cast to the main characters. (Source: Gundam Wiki)

Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Astray RChapter 20.8
Action Martial arts Shounen

Junk dealer Lowe Guele travels the universe with the Gundam Astray Red Frame he finds in the destroyed colony of Heliopolis!

Kidou Senshi Gundam 2314Chapter 3


Mobile Suit Gundam Side Story - Missing LinkChapter 6
Action Drama Shounen

In the midst of the Universal Century's raging One Year War, there is a shadowy unit that purges the Federation of wrongdoers! The long-awaited first volume of the manga adaptation of the Mobile Suit Gundam Gaiden Missing Link from the popular game "Mobile Suit Gundam Side Stories" by Namco Bandai Games!