PhoenixChapter 118
Drama Shounen

Phoenix (火の鳥, Hi no Tori, "Bird of Fire") is an unfinished manga series written and illustrated by Osamu Tezuka. Tezuka considered Phoenix his "life's work"; it consists of 12 parts, each of which tells a separate, self-contained story and takes place in a different era. The plots go back and forth from the remote future to prehistoric times. The story was never completed, having been cut short by Tezuka's death in 1989. Tezuka's most profound and ambitious work, dealing with man's quest for immortality, ranging from the distant past to the far future. The central character is the Phoenix, the physical manifestation of the cosmos, who carries within itself the power of immortality; either granted by the Phoenix or taken from the Phoenix by drinking a small amount of its blood. Other characters appear and reappear throughout the series; usually due to their reincarnation. The work remained unfinished at the time of Tezuka's death Several of the stories have been adapted into anime and a live-action film, along with a musical production by the Takarazuka Revue.

BuddhaChapter 65
Comedy Supernatural

Buddha is a manga drawn by Osamu Tezuka and is Tezuka's unique interpretation of the life of Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. The critically acclaimed series is often referred to as a visually explicit yet humorous and thought-provoking portrayal of the Buddha's life. The series began in September 1972 and ended in December 1983, as one of Tezuka's last epic manga works. Buddha received the 2004 and 2005 Eisner Award. As of early 2006, each volume had sold an average of 8,500 copies, with the first volume, Kapilavastu, having sold 20,000 copies. Due to differences between the ways in which Japanese and English are read, the American volumes published by Vertical Inc. are presented as mirror images of Tezuka's original work so they can be read from left to right, rather than from right to left. Nearly three decades after the manga was completed, an anime film adaptation was released in 2011. A second film was released in 2014.

Flying BenChapter 6.1

A special tonic found among Rome's ancient catacombs is consumed by three stray puppies, giving them incredible powers of super strength, amazing intelligence and lightning speed. These three dogs - Ben, Uru and Puchi - swear to defend a boy who has a map of a hidden treasure in the Silk Road, all while fighting against evil organizations and even competing with one another to help their master.

Microid SChapter 1
Action Shounen

Microids are a being between humans and insects- while looking human, they can sprout wings from their backs, are equipped with extraordinary powers, and are barely the size of your finger. However, they are enslaved under Gidoron, who plans to take over the human world and destroy the polluting humans above. Yanma, a Microid, manages to escape, along with Ageha and Mamezo, who make their way to the city to tell humans about Gidoron’s plan. The only ones who take heed of his warning is Dr. Midoro and his son, Manabu. Meanwhile, Zigā, Yanma’s brother, leads the attack on humans.