Mazu wa, Hitokuchi.Chapter 7
Comedy Drama Supernatural Yaoi

Oda and Hasegawa are childhood friends bound by a very special secret: Oda’s a third-generation pig farmer on a farm that raises FLYING PIGS. But when a nosy reporter starts investigating tales of upward-mobile porkers in the area, the two must band together (and thereby grow closer in doing so) to protect Oda’s family’s livelihood as well as the good-luck-giving swine.

Byousoku Zero MileChapter 5.5
Drama Romance Yaoi

"Wh-Who are you?" One day, the college student Taichi is spoken to by a stranger in a place that is very dear to him. He is informed by the man, who calls himself Zama, that the place may be gone. It is where the orphaned Taichi first met his beloved guardian Kanda. Who is this Zama, who suddenly appears before Taichi? Taichi is anxious...

Tooi Hi no AtosakiChapter 0

People and the various beginnings of new love.