Coffee Moon (Official)Chapter 25
Drama Supernatural

Pieta, a normal girl, leads a normal, uneventful life in a world of constant black rain. As the rain pours down, like it always does, she takes her usual route to school and has a pleasant conversation with her friend Danae. This is what every day is like for Pieta, and she takes a sort of everyday satisfaction from her totally normal life. But then her typical, pleasant conversation with Danae...doesn’t happen. “Why...?! Why can I remember...yesterday’s today?!!”

Coffee Moon (Chapter 25.5)Chapter 26
Drama Supernatural

Pieta, a normal girl, leads a normal, uneventful life in a world ofconstant black rain. As the rain pours down, like it always does, she takesher usual route to school and has a pleasant conversation with her friendDanae.