Yoon Yikyung’s life takes an unexpected turn when he spends the night with Cha Seonho, his charming yet emotionally guarded roommate. Known for his weekly one-night stands, Seonho hides a longing for romance behind his carefree demeanor, unable to open his heart due to past wounds.
When Seonho confesses, “I like you, that’s why I’m kind to you,” Yikyung begins to see the loneliness behind his words and realizes he wants more than a fleeting connection. Encouraging Seonho to embrace the love he dreams of, Yikyung proposes something beyond a casual fling, perhaps even a relationship.
As the two navigate the complexities of their new dynamic, Yikyung discovers Seonho’s hidden vulnerability. What starts as a physical connection transforms into the possibility of something deeper. Can they overcome their fears and pasts to find true romance?
A tender story of longing, heartbreak, and love. Will Yikyung and Seonho take a chance on each other?