Das KapitalChapter 9

It's a manga adaptation of "Das Kapital" by Karl Marx. It's published under?????? by East Press, which is a series of paperback manga who are adaptations of masterpieces of literature.It provides an enjoyable introduction to the German socialist's original work, written in 1867. The targeted readers are office workers in their 30s.The fictionalized Vol. 1 of "Das Kapital" chronicles a cheese factory run by protagonist Robin, who rebels against his father's socialist principles and becomes a slave driver after teaming up with a cold-blooded capitalist investor. But Robin struggles between his capitalist ambitions and his sense of guilt over the exploitation of his workers.The book is being translated into English, Korean and Chinese for its upcoming manga debut in the U.S., Asia and Europe.

The Communist Manifesto: A Graphic NovelChapter 0

Published in 1848, at a time of political upheaval in Europe, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels’s Manifesto for the Communist Party was at once a powerful critique of capitalism and a radical call to arms. It remains the most incisive introduction to the ideas of Communism and the most lucid explanation of its aims. Much of what it proposed continues to be at the heart of political debate into the 21st century. It is no surprise, perhaps, that The Communist Manifesto (as it was later renamed) is the second bestselling book of all time, surpassed only by the Bible. The Guardian’s editorial cartoonist Martin Rowson employs his trademark draftsmanship and wit to this lively graphic novel adaptation. Published to coincide with the 200th anniversary of Marx’s birth, The Communist Manifesto is both a timely reminder of the politics of hope and a thought-provoking guide to the most influential work of political theory ever published.