Jingle Bell Bride?Chapter 1
Comedy Drama Romance

Today is Dilly's wedding. The preparations were all steadily underway when she discovers a shocking truth from a conversation between the groom and her father. He proposed to her because he had his eye on some reward? It was all a plan devised by her father because he was worried about his thirty-year-old, single daughter. Thoroughly humiliated, Dilly runs up the aisle and out of the church still clad in her wedding dress. She jumps into the white limousine that was supposed to be used for her honeymoon and instructs the handsome chauffeur to drive away. Dilly just isn't meant to fall in love. She'll never be able to get married. While staring in astonishment at Dilly's angry antics, chauffeur Mick is roped into playing the part of her groom...?

Andrew in ExcessChapter 0

Andrew has an important goal in mind: he needs to get married so he can take over the family law firm. Kat has an equally important desire: she needs to find a father for the child she wants to have—but it has to be a man she has no chance of falling in love with. They can combine forces to attain their own personal goals—but can they keep their marriage purely contractual?

KIDS + COPS = CHAOSChapter 1
Comedy Romance

For a nanny, Sloan doesn’t seem to really know his way around one child, let alone three. The truth of the matter is, Sloan’s an undercover agent trying to break up an art theft ring, and the only way he can do it is to investigate while in disguise. When Jo, a business mastermind and rather plain aunt to the kids, decides to help out, Sloan may have just found the love of his life…or the target of the criminal case!