Alice to ZourokuChapter 37
Comedy Romance

A few years before the beginning of the story, certain girls and women all over the world began to manifest a power known as "Dreams of Alice," with which they can make select elements of their imaginations come true. The world powers are split into two factions: those who wish to keep these girls a secret and experiment on them, and those who wish to reveal their existence to the public and integrate them into society.One such girl, who's been nicknamed "The Red Queen" due to her incredibly powerful Dream of Alice, escapes from the research facility holding her and sets out to explore the outside world. Eventually, she winds up meeting a florist named Zouroku: a strict old man whose catchphrase is, "I hate crooked dealings!"

Alice to Zouroku (Official)Chapter 37
Comedy Drama Supernatural

A group of young girls possess a mysterious power known as “Alice’s Dream,” which gives them the ability to turn their thoughts into reality. Detained and experimented upon, these youths are locked away in secret until one of them manages to escape. Her name is Sana—a girl with the power to ignore the very laws of physics. When this willful powerhouse crosses paths with a stubborn old man named Zoroku, his carefully-ordered life will never be the same again!

Bokura no YoakeChapter 10

It's the year 2038, but more importantly, it's summer. A little boy named Yuma is obsessed with the impending return of the Arville Comet. Then, one day, he sneaks onto the roof of an apartment building and finds something even more amazing—something not from this world. Now Yuma and his friends, and his hovering autopet Nanako, must work together to uncover a secret that's slumbered in the Earth for years, as dawn breaks over a new era for him and for humanity… Entire story in a single volume.

Mushishigai TanshuuChapter 5

A tribute anthology for Mushishi.

Mushishi GaitanshuuChapter 5

An anthology dedicated to Mushishi.- Chapter 1. *Hizumu Shirabe* (????) by Kumakura Takatoshi- Chapter 2. *Tagiru Yu* (???) by Yoshida Motoi- Chapter 3. **Shimmering of the Sea** (Umi no Chirachira, ??????) by Ashinano Hitoshi- Chapter 4. *Kumiki no Hora* (????) by Imai Tetsuya- Chapter 5. *Kage Fumi* (???) by Toyoda Tetsuya