Romance In SeorabeolChapter 48
Drama Romance Webtoons

So-Young, a young college student who played and drank every day, saying that no matter how hard she tried she never succeeded, dies, goes back to the past and possesses So-Ryong, the princess of Shilla. She hides her blonde hair, the fatal weakness of Sung-Gol, and strives to live every day.

It Takes a HeroChapter 1
Drama Romance

Romance novelist Kristin is struggling to recover from a heartbreak that has caused her severe writer's block. Her mother tries to help her out by taking her to an auction where guests can bid on dates with single men. Although Kristin should feel indifferent to these sorts of things, when a talented campaign advisor named Perry takes the stage, she feels her heart skip a beat. Without thinking, she stands up and bids on him for ten thousand dollars! The two of them lead completely different lifestyles. How will their special night end?

Make-Believe MistletoeChapter 1

t’s Christmastime and Lucy is driving in a snowstorm to get to her family. When she realizes it’s not safe to continue on, she runs to a house she finds in the way for help. Shivering in the cold, she rings the doorbell and a beautiful man comes out. At first he seems hesitant to help but after understanding the situation, he opens his house to her. Looking at his lonely back, Lucy begins to feel unsettled.