Love Blind CompanyChapter 1
Comedy Drama Romance Webtoons

"I wonder where she is, my other half..."Sunny Bong is a matchmaker who is about to be fired due to her lack of results. Her last chance is to match the Dujin, the general manager of Dudu Optics and heir of Dudu Company. However, Dujin possesses a special skill that is passed down in the family, and it is due to this that he has went on over five hundred blind dates and yet has never been matched. Sunny fails to match Dujin with the person he is looking for, and is fired from the company. One day later, after throwing a party with her roommate and friend Hana all night, she wakes up to find her friend gone, and the clue Hana left behind turns her life upside down. A romance story of a pair twisted up into knots due to the red strings of fate!